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Blk 313 Shunfu Rd
High floor, unblock, bright and windy
67 sqm / 721 sqft
Lease yr 1985, balance 66 yrs
Main Door: South West, No afternoon sun
Chinese Seller,
Everyone can Buy
9 min walk to Marymount MRT (CC, Circle Line, Yellow Line)
1 stop to Bishan MRT (NS, North South Line, Red line)
3 stop to Serangoon MRT (NE, North East Line, Purple line)
2 stop to Botanic Gardens MRT (DT, Downtown Line, Blue line)
5 stop to Buona Vista MRT (EW, East West line, Green line)
5 min walk to Sheng Siong Supermarket
5 min walk to Market / Hawker Centre
Nearby Raffles Institution