Multi-Generation for Sale - 331 Woodlands Avenue 1 - D25 - Woodlands - 331 Woodlands Avenue 1 Singapore - 799 999 SGD - 1042251

799 999 SGD

Sivagnanam Indrani
Sivagnanam Indrani
Property Agent

Verified number: +6590678531
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New Listing! Rare!

*High floor

* Unblocked view. Overlooking the exclusive landed homes and greenery.

* Fully renovated with a spacious layout. No wasted space. Provision of two entrances to the unit.

* Corner unit with a huge front corridor. Very private and exclusive with only one neighbour.

* Lift landing at your doorstep

* No west sun. Bright and breezy

* Mins walk to Marsiling MRT and 3 bus stops to Woodlands Mrt and Causeway point

* Mins walk to the new Marsiling mall, Seng Shiong, 24 hours Fairprice Finest, Woodlands Polyclinic

* Clean and well maintained neighbourhood

* Surrounded by good neighbourhood schools such as Fuchun Primary & Secondary, Si Ling Primary School

Estate details


331 Woodlands Avenue 1

331 Woodlands Avenue 1 Singapore0

799 999 SGD



2 sqft


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